The Association Culture del Mondo (Cultures of the World) (, as part of projects aimed at promoting culture and, in particular, music, as an instrument of dialogue and peace, launched the initiative “Accordi di Pace (Agreements of Peace) “, a series of concerts that bring together musicians and music from territories that live in situations of conflict and difficulties of coexistence between them.



Our initiative aims to bring together the melodies of different traditions, sometimes geographically close but distant from each other because of a history of difficult cohabitation, to underline how even in conflict situations, we can give light to harmonies, innumerable and beautiful.

By channeling the extraordinary power of music, which reaches the heart immediately and without the need for any intermediation, we aim to overcome – annihilating – the barriers that can be created between people, especially as a result of situations of war or serious social hardship.

In this way, we create the awareness that differences are not obstacles to mutual knowledge and to the realization of the person, but, on the contrary, they are precious sources of enrichment, whose comparison can only lead to the exaltation of what is shared in the our common humanity.



The challenge launched by the Association Culture del Mondo is therefore to try to imagine a different context from the current one, in which music has the power to create peace. The spirit that animates this event is to unite the art and creativity of authors from territories and cultural traditions in conflict with each other, to convey, through music, messages of peace and mutual respect. For the public, we propose a new way to reflect on this theme through a dialogue made of notes, scales and harmonies and thus achieve a greater awareness of our shared humanity.

In 2016, our festival received strong support from many important organizations, such as the Italian Buddhist Union (UBI), the Maitreya Foundation, Kappabit, the Sala Uno Theater and the Italian magazine ‘Internazionale’, as well as the Roman public. The event saw the organization of five intimate concerts in prestigious locations in the heart of Rome, with the participation, at each event, of two distinguished artists coming or representing territories and cultures in conflict with each other: Serhat Akbal and Marwan Samer ( Kurdistan and Iraq); Pejman Tadayon and Riccardo Manzi (Iran and Jewish music); Nando Citarella and Tcha Limberger (Italian folk music and gypsy music); Gabin Dabiré and Zam M. Dembélé (Burkina Faso and Mali); Loten Namling and Shao Yue Shen (Tibet and China).

Kurdistan and Iraq

Serhat Akbal facebook 

Marwan Samer facebook

Iranian and Jewish Music

Pejman Tadayon 

Riccardo Manzi facebook

Italian Folk and Rom Music

Nando Citarella facebook

Tcha Limberger

Burkina Faso and Mali

Gabin Dabiré facebook 

Zam M. Dembélé

China and Tibet

Loten Namling facebook

Shao Yue Shen facebook


For 2019, adapting the format successfully experimented in previous editions, we will organize a single concert, in which an Israeli musician and a Palestinian musician will play together. The location will be determined. Before the concert, there will be a round table on the themes of dialogue and peace, with the participation of distinguished experts on the subject, coming from a wide range of sensibilities.

In order to keep the attention on the theme alive, following the concert we will make available on the website dedicated to the initiative a series of videos and short documentaries that we will have shot on the organization of the concert, on the musicians and on the concert itself. Accompanying material will be produced in Hebrew, Arabic, English and Italian, in order to allow maximum usability even to an international audience.

The project can be replicated on a national and international scale; to this end, in fact, we will take full advantage of the “network” mode that guides the operation of our Association.

Guided by the desire to break down the barriers that prevent us from appreciating our shared humanity through the promotion of culture. Promote peaceful coexistence.


The Association of World Cultures aims to promote the knowledge, culture and values ​​of humanity, based on dialogue and mutual respect of the different cultures that compose it. It has been designed as an international network based on goodwill, professional and artistic excellence and contributions, of whatever provenance, provided that their proponents share the common values ​​of respect, kindness, coexistence and peace.
The Association aims to build peace through art and culture and establish a dialogue between the different cultures of the world, through the promotion and organization of musical events, art, video, cinema, festivals, educational meetings, exchanges of professionals and artists, poetry, visual arts, dance, literature, and anything else that represents a contribution to promote the free expression of cultural diversities in Italy and in the world.

The Association works to create an open dialogue between artists from all parts of the world, from different beliefs and cultures, in the context of an artistic exchange that is established in moments of creation, in the promotion and performance of performances. The Association will establish agreements and partnerships with foundations and cultural associations of all countries in the world that share the same goals and are animated by similar intentions.

The objectives of the Creative Europe program are horizons of reference and, in particular, the promotion of linguistic cultural diversity and of different artistic expressions through transnational cooperation projects, networks, selection and casting of cultural operators and artists, with particular reference to young emerging artists through the organization of shows, events, professional training courses, development of fiction works for the cinema and the media, launching of competitions and festivals.

The Association also addresses the UNESCO’s guidelines through education, resolutions for safeguarding the cultural heritage of humanity, and in particular on the provisions of the Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions, of the 20 October 2005.

In addition to the series of “Accordi di Pace” concerts, held in 2016, in 2015 the Association organized “Spiritual Bridges – Come to my Home”, a multicultural festival of music and art, which took place in different parts of the city. under the patronage of the City of Rome, UNESCO and the Embassy of Morocco.


Association Culture del Mondo

Piazza di Santa Chiara 49

Rome 00186
