CONCERTO No. 5 – ' Peace Accords ' with Loten namling (Tibet) and Shao YUE SHEN (china) – 29 May

A special evening with Loten namling (Tibet) and Shao YUE SHEN (china) sunday, may 29th, Teatro Sala one, Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10, at €19.30 15 (donation suggested) including aperitif and organic wines reservation: event: https:/ / the support Of: Italian Buddhist Union In collaboration With: Fondazione maitreya, bibliothé, Kappabit srl

The Association of Cultures of the world presents the last concert of the exhibition “peace agreements”, Friday 29 May 2016 at 19.00, at the splendid Teatro Sala one, in Piazza di Porta San Giovanni 10, Rome. Every month, until next may, you can attend intimate concerts, which will put together musicians or music from territories that live situations of conflict and difficulties of coexistence. Let us imagine a world where, through music, we can evoke peace agreements. A world in which music has the power to create peace. For the public, it will be a new way to reflect on this issue through a dialogue made of notes, scales and harmonies and thus achieve greater awareness of our shared Humanity. Our latest concert will feature Loten namling, an extraordinary and renowned musician and songwriter from Tibet, and Shao YUE SHEN, a player in the ancient China pipe Instrument. Access to the concert will be by Reservation. This is a totally self-produced event, so we suggest a donation of €15, in order to help us pay the musicians and other Expenses. Before the concert at 19.00 will be offered an aperitif with natural wines and organic foods. The concert begins at 19.30. To Book: ———————— – — Art direction: Jacelyn Parry

  This advertisement was with master Xu Li Ping who was to play on the 29th of May. For various personal reasons, in the end he could no longer participate in the Evening. Peace-treaty-loten-namling-xu-liping agreements


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